COVID19 update - Yes we are still open
Our heart goes out to everyone in Australia and worldwide that are affected by the COVID19 outbreak. At this stage Ramcity is unaffected and we will remain open.
We are still operating out of our Pymble office, but we can operate from home if required.
Our supply lines are excellent, stock is still available, our weekly stock shipments have been unaffected. The one big change has been pricing. Prices are going up due to the drop in value of the Australian dollar. The Australian Dollar is normally very stable and does not affect pricing. However, the last month (February/March 2020) has seen the value drop very fast and affect prices.
We will always be available to support our customers. We try to make this easy, there are multiple ways to contact us. Although we are online, sometimes making a phone call is the least stressful. If you want to talk to someone in our office, please call 02 9391 5201. It is important for you to know we do not use an answering service, we do not have a call centre, just a few nerdy techs working hard in an office. If the phone ringings out or is not answered, please don't despair, maybe make a cup of tea, give it a few minutes and call us back.
We are located in Pymble, Sydney, New South Wales.
There are no plans to close our building. If this happens, we can move all staff online and operate from home. Shipping would be unaffected, we have a plan in place to move our shipping location and send customer parcels to the Australia Post depot.
You can order confidently knowing we can ship your upgrade and we will be available to help you with the installation if required.
We are still getting daily pick ups from Australia Post. Our parcels are still shipping Express Post overnight, if you are in a major city you will be getting next day delivery.
The Ramcity Team